Saturday is prescription drug take back day


Local law enforcement agencies will be collecting unused and expired prescription drugs this weekend.

The Port Huron Police Department will be participating in this weekend’s semi-annual national prescription drug take back day. Police Cadets will be on hand between 8am and Noon Saturday at the police station at 100 McMorran Boulevard. You will need to call 984-2394 to notify the office of your arrival. Unused pills are also accepted during normal business hours Monday through Friday 8:00am-4:30pm at the Port Huron Police Department with no need to call ahead.

The St. Clair County Sheriff’s office will also be collecting unwanted pills this weekend. The lobby of the sheriff’s office, located at 1170 Michigan Road in Port Huron Township, will be open from 10am to 2pm Saturday. No liquids or syringes will be accepted. The pills will then be turned over to the US Drug Enforcement Administration for proper disposal. According to Sheriff Mat King, proper disposal of pills keeps potentially dangerous drugs from being abused and also keeps pharmaceuticals out of the water supply. Residents who are unable to make it on Saturday can turn in their pills at the Sheriff’s Office during normal business hours, Monday through Friday from 8:30 am until 4:30 pm.