Are you ready for your StoweGood weekend

Left-Stowe Dailey, Right-Karen Taylor Good

Left-Stowe Dailey, Right-Karen Taylor Good

Tickets are still available for this weekends three day StoweGood event. Unity of Blue Water and the First Congregational Church of Port Huron are co-presenting the dynamic weekend, that will feature three major events. The weekend starts off on Friday at 7p.m. with a concert, starring Karen Taylor Good and Stowe Dailey, at the First Congregational Church in Port Huron. On Saturday there will be a workshop called “Discover Your Unopened Gifts” at Unity of Blue Water starting at 10 am. that empowers participants to live with there hearts wide open. The weekend ends on Sunday with the StoweGood duo presenting “Sermon in Song” at 10:30 am., also being at the Unity of Blue Water. For Tickets and more information visit, or call 810-982-2820.