Salvation Army gives away items to those in need


Many area families will have a brighter Christmas thanks to the efforts of the local Salvation Army. Yesterday was distribution day for the Port Huron Salvation Army , where families could receive food, toys, and winter clothing for the holiday season. The event occurred at a vacant auto parts store along Lapeer Avenue in Port Huron Township. Major Wesley Dalberg of the Port Huron Citadel says about 600 hundred local families were helped during yesterday’s event. He adds the giveaway would not be possible without the Salvation Army’s Red Kettle Campaign, which he says is slightly ahead of this time last year. However, overall donations are slightly down. He encourages those who may be out doing some last minute shopping this weekend to drop some change or a few dollars into one of the many red kettles scattered across St. Clair County.  Major Dalberg says the Salvation Army’s mission is to help people in need “without discrimination.”